Error code 1392-4, 30088-1007, 30183-39, 30183-28, 20175-4(19) while installing office ( office installation

Errors )

You might see some Errors while office installation in your computer. The main reason behind the  is network conflicts and compatibility error in registry keys. The network conflict in the installation may break the connection of internet port while installing the Microsoft office program and the compatibility error stops the installation if the setup extraction of office product is compatible with the current operating registry.In this manner the Errors while office installation works.

Here are some common troubleshooting steps to fix Error code 1392-4, 30088-1007, 30183-39, 30183-28 and 20175-4(19) while installing office.

Step 1.

Disk clean up

The temporary files in the computer may affect the installation program and pops the compatibility errors such as Error code 1392-4, 30088-1007, 30183-39, 30183-28 and 20175-4(19) while installing office.

Follow the steps to perform disk clean up:

  1. Press windows key and R key
  2. Type cleanmgr

    Errors while office installation

    disk clean up

  3. Select the temporary files and folder which need to be removed
  4. Click Ok

    Errors while office installation

    disk clean up

  5. Try installing office again

Step 2.

Temporary disable Firewall

The firewall may sometime block the software installation for the security reason of the computer. Hence for the security reason it terminate the network connection while installing the office program which pops up with Error code 1392-4, 30088-1007, 30183-39, 30183-28 and 20175-4(19).

So it is recommended to disable the firewall temporarily for installing Microsoft office.

Follow the steps to disable the firewall:

  1. Open control panel
  2. Select system and security
  3. Open firewall

    Errors while office installation

    Firewall disabling

  4. Turn off firewall
  5. Click Apply and Ok
  6. Try installing Office program again

Step 3.

Internet Explorer Reset

If the firewall disabling doesn’t work, it is recommended to reset the internet explorer to reset the port of internet connection which make the error code Error code 1392-4, 30088-1007, 30183-39, 30183-28 and 20175-4(19) while installing office.

Follow the steps to reset internet explorer:

  1. Open Internet explorer
  2. Select tools

    Error code 1392-4, 30088-1007, 30183-39, 30183-28 and 20175-4(19) while installing office

    Internet explorer reset

  3. Click on internet properties
  4. Click on advanced menu
  5. Tap on reset advanced option
  6. Then click on Reset
  7. Click Ok
  8. After reset, try installing office again

Step 4.

Remove preinstalled Office program

If pre-installed office program exist on the computer it may pops Error code 1392-4, 30088-1007, 30183-39, 30183-28 and 20175-4(19) while installing office suites. So it is recommended to remove the old program in order to install the latest version of office suite.

Follow the steps to remove pre-installed office program:

  1. Open control panel
  2. Select programs and features

    Error code 1392-4, 30088-1007, 30183-39, 30183-28 and 20175-4(19) while installing office

    Removing old program

  3. Check for old office program in program list
  4. Right click on the program and select uninstall
  5. Try installing office again.

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