Internet not working while installing Microsoft Office

You might see “internet not working” or “please check your internet connection” while installing Microsoft Office in your computer.  This happened mainly over the private internet connection the establishment of Office download cannot be initiated for the installation. There are so many factors which affect the internet connectivity of the computer while we try to install software or programs.

Following given are the most effective troubleshooting steps to fix the issue with internet connectivity.

Step 1. Internet not working while installing Microsoft Office

Check Firewall settings.

As you know a firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. The firewall of compute may block the installation of software or program for the security reasons. So you are requested to check the firewall settings of the computer if encountered with the internet connectivity error.

Follow the steps to check and disable the firewall settings:

  1. Open control Pannel.
  2. Select security settings.
  3. Open Windows Firewall
  4. Click Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
  5. Click Off (not recommended), and then click OK
  6. Try installing Microsoft Office now.

If the above step did not work, proceed with the second step.

Step 2.

Disable proxy settings.

The proxy settings in computer may block the software installation from online provider as the private internet service provider may not support online streaming for installation. So it is advised to turn Off the proxy settings for online installation of Microsoft office program.

Below given are the steps to disable the proxy settings in the computer:

  1. Open internet explorer.
  2. Click the Tools button and then select Internet Options.
  3. Click the Connections tab and then select LAN settings.
  4. Uncheck the check box for Use a proxy server for your LAN.
  5. Click OK until you return to the Internet Explorer browser.
  6. Your proxy settings should now be disabled.

If the above mentioned pre-informed solution did not work, please click here (chat) to consult with an advanced certified technician to fix the issue as soon as possible.

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