Uninstall error code 30068-4 and solve your  office issues

These error codes 30068-13(1715), 30101-11, 30147-13, 30015-1015(183) or 30015-1015(5) which occurs during the installation of Microsoft office are mainly due to the presence of older erroneous versions or file remaining of Microsoft office in the computer which prevents the successful installation of the new version of Office in the computer. Whenever one installation fails it is required that all the files from the failed installation are removed before any new installation can be initiated. So that Error-code 30068-13(1715), 30101-11, 30147-13, 30015-1015(183) or 30015-1015(5) can be prevented. So uninstall error code 30068-4 (1715), 30101-11, 30147-13, 30015-1015(183) or 30015-1015(5). The following steps will guide us to a successful unistallation of MS Office in the computer.

Step-1 (uninstall error code 30068-4 (1715), 30101-11, 30147-13, 30015-1015(183) )

Dll registration

This step will help us in registering the unregistered dll files in the computer which blocks the installation or uninstallation of Microsoft office.

  1. Access the run command by “Windows +R”.
  2. Type in the command “regsvr32 office start.dll”.

    uninstall error code 30068-4 (1715)

    Dll registration

  3. Press “enter” and the unregistered dll files of Microsoft Office which is blocking the successful installation will get registered there by uninstall error code 30068-4(1715), 30068-13(1715), 30101-11, 30147-13, 30015-1015(183) or 30015-1015(5)

Step-2 (uninstall error code 30068-4 (1715), 30101-11, 30147-13, 30015-1015(183) )

IE (Internet explore)  security reset

The security level set in the Internet explorer will sometimes block the uninstallation or changes made in the software system. So by resetting the Internet explorer security status will resolve the issue with the uninstallaion of Microsoft office.

  1. Type “inetcpl.cpl” in the Run command window.

    uninstall error code 30068-4 (1715)

    Internet properties command

  2. This will open the “Internet Explorer properties” window.

    uninstall error code 30068-4 (1715)

    Internet Security

  3. Under “security” tab, click on “reset all zones to default level”.
  4. Click on “Apply” and “Ok” to make the changes effect.

Step-3 (uninstall error code 30068-4 (1715), 30101-11, 30147-13, 30015-1015(183) )

File checker method

The System File checker or SFC scan will help to find the corruptions in the basic file system in the computer and thus we can resolve the issues by repairing the corrupted system files. Follow the below steps to run SFC scan in the computer.

  1. Type “cmd” in run command.


    Command prompt

  2. Type “sfc (system file checker) –scannow” to start the system file checker.

    uninstall error code 30068-4 (1715)

    sfc scan

  3. Wait till the file checker checks for the errors in the basic system files and resolves the issues.

Step-4 (uninstall error code 30068-4 (1715), 30101-11, 30147-13, 30015-1015(183) )

Removal and reinstallation of Microsoft office

The most important reason why one cannot uninstalll Microsoft office in the computer is due to the presence of residual files of a previously installed version of Office in the computer. The below step illustrates the steps to be followed to remove the Office completely from the computer for a successful fresh copy installation.

  1. Access control panel using “control” command in the run window.
  2. Find the installed “Microsoft office” in the “programs and features” option.


    Uninstall and Reinstallation

  3. Click “change/uninstall” to remove the pre-installed Microsoft office version from computer.
  4. Re-install a fresh copy of the software.

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